
OUI=LIBERTE, Anne Louise Stangeland, 12.09-15.09.19

“I made the map collages one summer when I had practice in the Norwegian book town Fjærland. I used old maps and scraps from books. I have used images with a special photo and print quality that one can find for a certain period of time (-60-70s) and from countries such as Czechoslovakia and Poland. Once I have created the collages, I have often - as the geographical place - followed the shapes and colors of the old maps. ”

Anne Louise Stangeland is an artist who operates in words, pictures and rooms. She has many different artistic expressions and themes that she explores. It can be aesthetic and sensual, use of different materials, the discovery of new places as well as personal and societal themes. Techniques she likes to use are photos, text, collage, installation and performance. Relational aesthetics becomes an opportunity for her to explore conventions and societal structures - to pursue artistic anthropology.

She has lived in Moss, Raufoss, Stavanger, London, Trondheim, Bergen, Gerlesborg (Sweden) and Jakobstad / Pietarsaari (Finland), and has exhibited in both Norway, Sweden and Finland. From 2016 she has lived in Stavanger, where she has her multi-disciplinary art practice in an external studio.
