Become a Studio K-Friend!

Culture, creativity, contemporary art, concerts, courses, coffee and community! We invite you to become a Studio K friend!

Studio K is located in Kvernelandsvegen 41, in the center of Kvernaland, Time Municipality Norway. The studio is used as a project space and gallery, and as a place for various types of events - including courses and workshops, concerts, literature evenings and lectures. Studio K presents events and exhibitions of high quality. The studio opened in June 2018, aiming to be a good place for different people and practices to meet, communicate and connect. It is a place where you can be inspired and challenged. Studio K is an important project, and we need all the support we can get in order to bring this work forward. Therefore, we want to ask you: Do you want to become a Studio K-friend?

How to become a K-Friend?
Being a K-friend costs NOK 1000 a year. You can "subscribe" or you can give 1000 kr as a one-time donation - everything helps and is highly appreciated! To become a friend you can send an e-mail ( or contact us via a Messager/Facebook. Write your contact information: name, e-mail and postal address. Then you will receive an invoice of NOK 1000. It is also possible to pay via Vipps to 47262667 (mark with "Studio K-friend"). If you want the amount to be a one-time contribution, feel free to write it in the mail.

Perks of being a K-Friend
As a Studio K friend, you will receive a monthly newsletter with information about the upcoming events. Your name will be visible on the Studio K website and in a dedicated space in the studio (if preferable, you can also be an anonymous friend).

Studio K-Friends get a 10% discount on the purchase of art from Kari Ann Lending Kleiveland in Studio K (this does not apply to commissioned works / special orders). They also get 20% on repurchases. Last but not least: as a friend you will have the opportunity to win a work of art through our K-Friends-lottery held in every December!

And of course: if you want to become a Studio K-friend or not, you are warmly welcome to visit Studio K! We look forward to seeing you ☺

Warm regards
The Studio K-Team


Studio K-Friends

Svein F. Hestvaag/Gullstrek
Anne Steffensen Lending
Ivar Lending
Eivind Eikeland
Jason Burley
Unni Sirevåg Lende
Ann Elin Sævareid Kleiveland and Jan Kåre Kleiveland
Bjarne Lemvik

Studio K also has friends who wish to remain anonymous.