
Friluftsliv (or how to become climate), Héctor Hernández Rosas, 09.-13.04.20

“At the koppie top, I didn't lose my time. When I start building a hut I don't know if I will finish it before it is dark or cold. Due to this, I needed to find the right place and start looking for stones. There is no day when the mind doesn't show its weakness. Always, sooner or later, one starts thinking if there is going to be enough material, if it is going to continue to stand, if there is going to be enough time, if it is going to be dangerous, if it is going to be too cold, if one should go back… In these moments, I can feel my vulnerability and the more I feel it, the more I need a solution. All kinds of thoughts go through one's mind, but as they come they need to leave.Since the very first moment you take your backpack, the mind gets quieter and the senses amplify. Every step has another weight and your silence lets you be on alert. Watchful to your own mind processes. And this presence allows you to hold the rocks more decisive when those thoughts come."

Héctor Hernández [Spain, 1988] lives and works between Spain and Norway. He holds an undergraduate degree in Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid and a Master’s in Art, Creation and Research from the same university. He recently completed a course in Creativity and Strategies in Contemporary Photography, given by Javier Vallhonrat at the EFTI International Centre of Photography and Film. He has held various national and international solo and collective exhibitions and received various awards and grants in Spain, South Africa, Norway, Netherlands, and Italy.

The exhibition was presented online in the exhibition event on Facebook.

The event is supported by Rogaland Fylkeskommune and Time Kommune.
