Karen Bogdanowicz Aarre, 14.05-06.06.19
I sin praksis, og i denne utstillingen, utforsker Karen Bogdanowicz Aarre definisjonen av selvportrettet.
Halfway: A self-portrait in three acts
Expanding the definition of a self-portrait
«In my study I used my art practice as the site of my inquiry (Artistic Research), conducting a reflective study that focused on trying to understand how identity development and an increased sense of self-awareness can be manifested during the creative process. My aim was to explore the potential of a non-representational self-portraiture in three different mediums; photography, conceptual art and sculpture.»
Karen har sin utdannelse i kunsthistorie v/University of Iowa og har tatt masterutdannelse v/Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (Høgskulen på Vestlandet).
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