“Lunken Distriktskaffi: Bergjord Lokal” at Studio K, is a one night only- exhibition by Espen Birkedal based on a conversation recorded on the bus to, and walk through Kverneland. Geir Egil Bergjord, Birkedal`s conversation partner leading up to this project, is from Kverneland, an artist and the boardleader of Norske Billedkunstnere( the artist union in Norway)
The exhibition“Lunken Distriktskaffi: Bergjord Lokal” is the beginning of a podcast series that will be developed in the spring and summer of 2023. In the series Lunken Distriktskaffi, Birkedal talks to different artists and culture workers and their relationship to the selected places in Rogaland.
During the opening hours of the exhibition, Birkedal, together with his production partner and jinglemaker Gustav Jørgensen Espelid, will present their musical interpretations of the conversation with Bergjord. Visitors of the exhibition will have the opportunity to grab an exclusive free zine called “Bergjord/Birkedal” and buy new t-shirts made especially for this event.
Studio K is supported by Time Kommune, Rogaland Fylkeskommune and Kulturrådet.