Millard Paulsé, 13.08-15.08.18
Freedom is a solo exhibition by artist Millard Paulsé. He uses the painting process to reflect on the term freedom. Millard Paulsé was born in Stavanger and currently lives in Sola, Norway. He has a studio space both in Sola and Kristiansand. Paulsé has an education from the Norwegian School of Art in Rogaland, and a solid background in photography. In recent years, he has experimented with both collage, graphics and painting. In this solo exhibition his latest paintings are displayed.
"Freedom is a word that I do not understand. The word for me is more about a state than a term. In this project I explore this condition. I have tried to find freedom in the bright colors, but have discovered that working with these colors has not lead to freedom for me. I have been confronted with my own idea of what freedom is and how I relate to it. My thoughts, which were previously bound to freedom as a term, have expanded in the process itself - become freer. And freedom is something one cannot take for granted. "
12 paintings, format 75x90 cm