A colourful tulip field, Nils Rostad

Studio K opens the fall program with a POP UP exhibition by Nils Rostad at PlaySpace in Stavanger. Opening event with music/improvisational atmosphere by duo Nils and Tomas, aka NilsTomas. One night only!

Time: Friday 30 August at 19:00-22:00
Place: PlaySpace, Normannsgate 24 in Stavanger.
Link to Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/share/95d9e2HnVhPVCTcX/

The exhibition shows paintings produced during the last two or three years. The ideas can stretch far back in time. Some of the paintings have been recreated in a new guise, while others are completely new. The process behind the finished works can be long, and details can take days and weeks to place - and then be changed, replaced, started all over again. The colorful paintings testify that "more is more". "Art has no limitation or conclusion, use what you have and you always get a result!"

Nils Rostad attended the Art School in Rogaland in 1997-1999, but is mostly autodidact. He also composes and makes music, and releases the music on his own company, Tallerk Plater.  The LP releases are usually in small editions, and are sold out. -Love the analogue, but surrounded by the digital. The music is available on Spotify and other music platforms.


This is a POP UP exhibition organized by STUDIO K. Studio K is supported by Time municipality, Rogaland County Municipality and the Norwegian Art Council.