Open Session with PAS (Performance Art Stavanger)
Studio K and Performance Art Stavanger invite you to an Open Session on Thursday 02 February from 17.00-19.00 at Studio K (Kvernelandsvegen 41, 4355 Kvernaland). This session is led by the artists Anne-Marte Eidseth Rygh and Kari Ann Lending Kleiveland who introduce exercises based on their own practices as well as Gestalt psychologist Ruella Frank's theories about how memory and experience are expressed through six fundamental movements. The movements are explored as relational, something we create in relation to something or someone. We have pre-registration as we adapt the exercises according to the number of participants. Registration: send an email with name and phone number to with deadline 1 day in advance.
Open session is a concept where people meet at an agreed time and place, and do either planned sketches or completely spontaneous improvisations within performance. It is a concept that opens up for experimentation, try-outs and unity. You are free to participate in any way you wish, also if you prefer to be a viewer. It is free to participate.
Studio K is supported by Time Kommune, Rogaland Fylkeskommune and Kulturrådet.
Photo: Morten Tellefsen