Open Session with PAS (Performance Art Stavanger)
In collaboration with PAS (Performance Art Stavanger), Studio K invites you to an Open Session on 6 December from 17.00-19.00. We will explore movements related to our habits. What movements are we constantly performing without reflecting on it? And how do these movements affect us?
Open session is a concept where people meet at an agreed time and place, and do either planned sketches or completely spontaneous improvisations within performance. It is a concept that opens up for experimentation, try-outs and unity. You are free to participate in any way you wish, also if you prefer to be a viewer. It is free to join, and coffee, tea and light snacks are served. It is free to join, and coffee, tea and light snacks are served.
Performance Art Stavanger (PAS) is a non-profit organization that works to strengthen performance art in Stavanger and the surrounding area. The board consists of chairperson Veslemøy Flotve, deputy chairperson Anne-Marte Eidseth Rygh and board members Sarah Fjørtoft, Alice Darby, Jessica Xie, Kari Ann Lending Kleiveland and Jone Tou. Our vision is to bring together practitioners and those interested, to inspire and facilitate viewing platforms and competence development within the field.
Studio K is supported by Time Municipality, Rogaland Fylkeskommune and the Norwegian Art Council.