As we recall home, Victor Guzman, 13.-17.05.20
“In the project “As We Recall Home” I am combining video, drawing and satellite dishes outside the white cube and these series of work focuses on ideas of identity, memory and personal histories connected to the idea of home. Where is home? What is home? When is home? Home is a central question in my project where I have included my family in my process to help me reflect and present a narrative of when we were obsessed with watching the Chilean channel TV-Chile in the 90’s. In the 90’s my family did not feel included in Norway so their escape was to watch and search for this TV channel. I believe it was their search for belonging.”
Victor Guzman (b.1987) is a Norwegian-Chilean artist that holds a Master from The Art Academy, KMD, UiB. He works mainly with drawings where he combines them with other mediums such as sculpture, video and installation. Personal experiences is a central aspect of his artistry where he explores ideas about identity, biography and culture. Guzman works thematically about his family, pop-culture, internet and investigating how they affect a collective and individual memory.
The video “As we recall home” was presented online.
The event is supported by Time Kommune and Rogaland Fylkeskommune.